Be Ready! 3 Easy Ways to Help Your Child Prepare for Their Next Math Test

math success Sep 06, 2022

At this point, most everyone in the US has settled into the school year.  Many students' math classes are wrapping up their first chapter or getting close to it, and a common theme among many parents is emerging.  It goes something like this:

My child just had their first math test today and they are going to need some help.


I thought my child was doing ok in math so far this year, but they did not do well on their recent test.

If you can relate to this, you are not alone.  The good news is that there are things you can do right now to help your child improve their next math test grade and if you are reading this, it means you are ready to take action to help them be more successful. 

1. Make sure they are practicing the skills they learn in math class at home.

If your student has math homework throughout the week, notice if it is from the chapter or objective they are currently working on. Teachers often use a “weekly” homework sheet labeled Monday - Thursday with math problems to complete each day.  These homework sheets are excellent for keeping students sharp on skills they have previously learned or challenging them to preview a skill that hasn’t been taught yet. Unfortunately, many times they do not give the students extra practice on the types of problems that they will be tested on at the end of the chapter.  If this scenario sounds familiar, have your student bring home their math book or workbook daily and show you the lesson they did that day.  Having them work just a few (2-3) problems from their current lesson each night will add up big time when test time rolls around.

2. Watch as your child does their homework to spot potential trouble spots.

As your student is working through the problems that are directly from their textbook, workbook, or class work, observe them as they complete it and CHECK over it.  If they are able to complete the work independently and get the answers right, then they do not need extra practice.  If not, then help them work the problems correctly and then give them extra similar problems to solve on their own. All you have to do is take the problems on their homework and rewrite them on a piece of notebook paper changing up the numbers a little. Again, just a few practice problems like this each day can make a big difference! (Do you need help understanding their homework? Download our Grade Level Guide)

3. Make sure they have some time to practice independently.

Maybe your student never has math homework or they “finish it in class together.” Collaborative group work is very common in classrooms, and it does have some great benefits.  However, if students sit in “pods or group tables” and complete their work together, all too often a confused student is just acting like they understand outwardly to the group to avoid embarrassment.  They write down the correct answers, but do not fully understand the objective.  Then, on test day, they are expected to solve the problems by themselves. Again, have your student get out that math homework that they “finished already” and write down a few of the problems on a piece of paper and see if they can solve them independently.  If not, repeat steps mentioned above. 

Remember, math is not all about memorization; it's about taking the new skills and concepts learned and applying them to solve problems.  Just like when you learn any new skill set, in order to master it you have to practice.  True, some people are gifted in their abilities and may not have to practice as much. But if your child is struggling to keep their head above the proverbial water that is math, then putting these suggestions in place will help them face that next big math test with confidence! 

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